Forms, Permits, and Applications
Please find below forms that we use to conduct village business. All forms are in Adobe Acrobat format with fillable fields. You can either print out the form, and fill it out with a pen and mail or drop it off to the village. Or you can use your computer to fill in the fields, save a copy to your desktop and email the form to
Building Permit Application
This is the building permit application form (paper copy). For online permitting follow the link-
Contractor Registration Form
This is the contractor registration form.
Event Permit Application
Fill out this application for permission to hold an event.
Non Highway Vehicle Inspection Form
Inspection form for non-highway vehicles.
Storm Sewer Connection Request Form
Use this form to request connection to the city sewer system.
Freedom of Information Act Request
Freedom of information officer is Ron Soderstrom.
Application For Employment
Village of Oakwood Application For Employment
Solicitors Application
Village of Oakwood Solicitors Application.
Watchfire Advertisement Request Form
Request form for running advertisements on the city watchfire digital sign.